版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本
The idea of Xtract DNA is followed by the idea of a TouchRank, but with a special touch of primary nucleobases i.e. Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), and Thymine (T). To begin the game, all you have to do is tap the red button repeatedly and quickly for 30 seconds. The number of touches appear on screen as number of DNA letters. Three DNA letters (e.g. ATG) make up words called codons. Once 36 letters (18 codons) appear on the screen, DNA strand is generated that appears in a little display cabinet. The aim for YOU, as a player, is to a big amount of letters to appear within 30 seconds. The nucleobases make up base pairing of strands to form, and that is how the sequence is generated that appears on the screen after the game ends.
It’s simple. Greater number of letters -> more DNA strands -> Longer DNA read/sequence.
Want to make it more interesting? Share your XtractDNA scores on Facebook. The app won’t store any information on your phone or post anything on your Facebook account without your permission. It allows you to share your scores with your own comments, and a preview of your update on Facebook is displayed before you post.
p.s. XtractDNA is a free game, and totally free of advertisement! Download it now!